Helping you to heal & achieve lasting recovery.


Our Specialties

Eating Disorders

Individuals who suffer from an eating disorder(s) can often find themselves feeling invalidated and hopeless if they are not working with a specialist. As specialists, we provide psychoeducation about the etiology of eating disorders, information about the trajectory of recovery, help to instill hope in the recovery process, and address the psychological and behavioral components underlying eating disorders. We specialize in the treatment of anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, ARFID, and subclinical eating disorders.

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Trauma + Complex Trauma

Traumatic experiences leave us with interfering, disturbing, and/or debilitating beliefs and responses. These thoughts and responses may present themselves occasionally, or pervasively; their interference may be minor, or severe. The traumatic experience could have happened once, over many years, or over the course of one’s lifetime. Trauma is individually and subjectively defined; what might be traumatic to you might not be traumatic to someone else. Regardless of the cause or level of trauma, through treatment, you will be able to safely identify and face your trauma, understand your own traumatic responses (& trauma in general), and ultimately keep your traumatic past from interfering in your present and future life.

We specialize in treating attachment trauma, sexual trauma, religious/spiritual trauma, and emotional/physical/verbal/sexual abuse. We utilize both “bottom up” and “top down” approaches in trauma treatment, adjusting which trauma therapy model we use, based on your presentation and needs. We also have therapists trained in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), which you can learn more about here.

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Anxiety & Depression

Anxiety and depression are some of the most common "diagnoses" in everyday life. There are many interventions that can be utilized to address the associated symptoms; however, many of them do not help to rewire and retrain your brain, leaving you reliant on a therapist to help you return to baseline. Because of our speciality in these areas, we are able to not only help you to manage your anxiety/depression with greater ease, but we also work with you to train your brain to respond differently to stressors, allowing you to help yourself in everyday life.

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Alcohol & Substance Abuse

Substance and alcohol abuse recovery often is viewed as simple because of the idea that one "just doesn't pick up a drink/drug". In our experience, simply abstaining from use can feel worse and more empty than using alcohol/drugs. Because of this, not only do we help you to refrain from drinking and using, but we help you to no longer have the need to drink/use by addressing the underlying stressors. Substance and alcohol abuse, like many other addictions, are often maladaptive coping skills for underlying psychological symptoms; that is what we would address together, in addition to working on changing the behavior.

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

While Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) often feels like it keeps us safe and/or in control, our obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors ultimately add to our distress and leave us feeling more dysregulated and unsafe than before the obsessions and compulsions existed in the first place. As such, OCD can be discouraging, exhausting, and debilitating. That said, there is a lot of hope for recovery from OCD. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and exposure response prevention (ERP) therapy are the gold standard talk-therapy interventions for treatment of OCD, both of which our clinicians have extensive training. If you seek treatment, you can find yourself with symptoms relief both as it relates to thoughts, and behaviors.

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Relational & Family Conflict

Relationships can be challenging, especially because deep relationships inevitably include conflict (& hopefully resolution). Conflict in relationships is a catalyst for healing and growth. Learning to approach the conflict in a healing way, that leads to reconciliation and an increase in intimacy and depth in the relationship, can be challenging. It takes time, patience, and practice. In therapeutic work, you will be able to improve your interpersonal skills and ultimately be able to find peace and trust in your relationships, even amidst any conflict.

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Negative Body Image

Body image can be simply defined as how we see our bodies. Given that our bodies are inextricably linked to our day to day lives, negative body image negatively influences our day to day lives. This can lead to low self-esteem, depression, and difficulty with relationships. Our team is here to help you shift from a negative self image to a neutral, and ultimately positive body image. These shifts allows us to live happier and more fulfilling lives.

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Low Self-Esteem

Struggling with low self-esteem can permeate all areas of our lives. Despite many attempts to improve, we can often find ourselves feeling hopeless, stuck, and lost. With the proper support, we can build a strong sense of self and improve our self-esteem. This starts by assessing current behavioral patterns and our negative thought patterns in sessions, which then translates to your everyday life. Ultimately, you will build a sense of self that allows you to feel confident and secure in all of your engagements.

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